The Autobiography of Leta Louise Keener

My mother has always been incredibly organized, and has also had the foresight to hang onto a lot of things that might eventually become interesting to others in her family. This autobiography contains many memories, both in written form and in pictures, of people that I've known and places that I've been, as well as some new memories of ancestors who I know only through her autobiography.

Through good times and bad, through life and through death, and through two middle names and three last names, the record of her life is contained in these pages.

I hope you enjoy going through these memories as much as I have. Feel free to pass on the location of this web page to anyone else who might find it interesting.

Each of the pictures included in the text may be clicked to display a larger version of the same picture. (Press your browsers Back button to return to the autobiography.) If you have any pictures that you'd like to see included, or if you'd like to comment about anything included in this autobiography, send email to Gary

Happy Reading,
Gary Nance